The importance of first aid if you have a baby at home

Written by Ana García, midwife and writer at ContectaConTuMatrona

Being parents is an adventure that puts us to the test every day, in every way. We have to have all five senses focused on our children, and even so, sometimes we have to get upset. Because there are things that happen in a fraction of a second.

Accidents are the leading cause of injury to children. Knowing how to act in an emergency is vital, anyone who has to take care of a baby should have basic knowledge of first aid.

The key to accidents is in their prevention

Before finding ourselves in an unpleasant situation, we can anticipate it by taking some measures at home: protecting plugs, preventing the baby from accessing stairs, windows and balconies, putting toxic products out of reach, using approved toys, turning the kitchen into a sure… The list of things to take into account is long, and you can see it more developed in this Guide for parents on the prevention of unintentional injuries of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics .

The truth is that although we take all possible measures to avoid accidents, sometimes things happen that we do not expect, and it is important to know how to act. As new parents, we get very scared the first time, for example, our baby falls and hits his head. Or the first time you get sick and have a fever. Knowing what to do in these cases and when it is necessary to go to the emergency room gives you security and peace of mind, although surely the first time one of these things happens, no one will take away the scare.

If there is something that I think is especially important for all families and, in general, anyone who takes care of a baby to know, it is how to act in the event of a choking. More and more emphasis is being placed on teaching first aid to children in schools and colleges , but in general not all adults know how to act in such a situation.

The fear of choking by Baby Led Weaning

The thing that most often distresses families is choking related to food, especially those who decide to carry out the Baby Led Weaning method. Many parents have to listen to warnings from others, who believe that this way of feeding babies is more dangerous in terms of choking than mashed ones. Today, thanks to studies, we know that there is no difference in choking between babies fed chunks or purees. konya escort

So, whatever way you decide to feed your child, it is vitally important to know the maneuvers to do in the event of choking or cardiorespiratory arrest. As is often said in medicine “time is brain”: every second that a person spends without breathing, is a second without oxygen reaching the brain. It has been shown that acting before the first minute of a cardiorespiratory arrest drastically reduces the chances of suffering sequelae.

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