Privacy and Security Policy Covid-19

By registering for this face-to-face event, you agree to receive commercial notices from both the organizing company and the speaker.

The organizing company undertakes to comply with the health recommendations derived from the pandemic, and may also oblige attendees to comply with even stricter measures, all to reduce risks as much as possible. These measurements are:

  • Aplicación de gel hidroalcohólico en manos y spray en las suelas de zapatos
  • El uso de mascarilla es obligatorio en todo momento desde la entrada al recinto
  • Las sillas de los asistentes, así como del ponente, cumplirán con el distanciamiento de seguridad por área.

The organizing company reserves the right to cancel the event or convert it to online mode, depending on the evolution of the pandemic and its incidence on the island of Mallorca.
